
How to Set Up a Game

Create a Game

Open the admin portal of your website and go to Gamification>Create.


Give your game a name, fill out the How Do I Get Points field with a game description and rules for your users (here's a good example ExampleGamingRulesPage.docx), choose a Start and Finish time for your game, and select who can play (either Anyone or Selected Roles). Hit Save when finished.

Adding Achievements

After you create your new game, we'll need to set up achievements so that your users can earn points. You'll arrive at Gamification>Games, a list of all created games for your platform.Capture.PNGClick the title of your new game to access its Settings, where you can view and edit the games settings and description, view the Leaderboard, Add Points to user's score, view the list of Achievements, and Create Achievements.Capture.PNGSince we don't have any achievements, click Create Achievement.Capture.PNGChoose an Achievement Type from the drop-down menu. The Name of your achievement should properly describe the action that needs to be done. Choose different Start and Finish times for the achievement, if you wish, and choose how many points the achievement will be worth.Untitled.png

Be sure to hit Save once you're done creating a new achievement! 

Achievement Types

Most Achievement Types will allow you to place a CAP on the number of times the achievement can be completed... 

*Some will not. 


--Add (Attendees):

Users gain points by adding other users to their favorites list.

Users can add each other by either hitting the + button when viewing another user's profile in the app, or by scanning another user's QR code in-person at the event. You control which method earns points by selecting Additional Filters. Check QR Scan to allot points for scanning, and check Other to allot points for adding via the app or website. You can also add additional filters for specific users, so points will only count if those users are added.



--Add (Exhibitors):

Users gain points by adding exhibiting companies or sponsors to their favorites list.

Again, you control whether points will be allotted by adding the exhibiting company via the app or a QR scan with the use of Additional Filters. You can also add filters based on Exhibitor Type, Exhibitor (a specific company), and Sponsorship level.



--Add to Schedule (Agenda):

Users gain points by adding sessions to their personal schedules.

Points can be allotted by QR Scan, via the app, or both, with the use of Additional Filters. You can add filters for specific Sessions, and Tracks.



--Add (Posters):

Users gain points by adding Posters to their favorites.

Points can be allotted by QR Scan, via the app, or both, with the use of Additional Filters. You can also add filters for specific Posters and Groups.




Users gain points by submitting Posts in the chatter section of your app or website.

You can set requirements for score-worthy posts with the use of Additional Filters.

First, select the Post Type


Status--a post in the Posts section of the website or app.

Twitter--a post from Twitter using a specified hashtag.

Comment--a reply/comment to an already-existing post in the Posts section.

Sponsored--speak to your Project Manager for further information.

Topic--speak to your Project Manager for further information.

Next, set any required hashtags.


Lastly, decide if the post needs to contain an image for awarding the points.

Note: we cannot validate what the image is so if one is used it will qualify for the points


--Profile Update (Attendees)*

Users score points for making a change to their user profile. We recommend setting this achievement to start on your launch date to encourage user-engagement.


--Complete Survey (Surveys)

Users gain points for completing a survey of your choosing.

This achievement only works with Survey Gizmo (an accompanying Integration must be set up), and Zerista Surveys.

Under Additional Filters uncheck QR Scan and enable Integration for a Survey Gizmo or Other for a Zerista Survey, and then select the survey from the drop-down.



--Unlock Achievement (Wildcard)*

This achievement is the jack of all trades, as it simply generates a QR Code to be used in many creative ways. Here are a couple of examples we've had in the past:

  • Hidden Wildcard - The QR code is hidden somewhere in the venue. Finding it awards you points. Clients have put the QR code on their conference Mascot, one had it next to Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. 
  • Conference Trivia - Client had a booth that attendees go to, to try and answer a trivia question. If the attendee answered correctly the volunteer at the booth showed them the QR code to scan.


Be creative with this one! Come up with new ideas and share them with your Project Manager to confirm that they'll be effective!


Final Notes

From your game's settings, click on Achievements to view your list. You can edit or delete any achievements listed here, and you can also export their QR Codes.


Please test your game once you're finished setting up. Contact your Project Manager with any questions and to have us Zeristans check it for you, too! We recommended testing at least one week prior to sending out invitations. 

Events can have more than one game for their event, though it is not recommended. A user can only play one game per event, based on their membership type. See this article on Setting Up Multiple Games for more information.


The leaderboard is a standard widget added to the your native apps home screen if using the game.  The widget will show the top 3-5 attendees with the most points in the game.  We also have the ability to add the leaderboard as a menu item on the website.  This can be used for attendees to review scores post event OR so you can broadcast this screen on monitors around the venue for everyone to see the current standings in the game.  Speak to your Zerista project manager to get this setup.

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