This post covers how as the Moderator you have the ability to export data from the admin side of the website for the following:-
- Attendee
- Session (Agenda)
- Exhibitor
- Poster
- Meeting
When managing the above data for your site manually it can be common that one will need to make large updates to these data sets. In these cases it can be useful to export the data, make the changes on the resulting .csv and then import those changes back into the system in bulk among other reasons that one may have to export data.
To achieve this you will need to carry out the following steps:
1. Login as the moderator/admin of your website. (
There no particular order that you have to export data so we'll click on the Attendees tab to begin with.
2. Under the Attendees tab you will see all of your attendee data. In the submenu click Export.
3. You can repeat this process for each menu tab mentioned above. Once your exports are complete you will receive separate emails from the system containing csv files of each data set.
4. Go to your emails ie. Outlook, Gmail to locate the export email sent from the admin website.
5. Open those files and make updates to the data in there.
6. For best practice DELETE the columns and rows of data you are not making modifications to. This is a much safer approach to only reimport the data that is changing vs all the data exported.
One thing to note - (There is one exception: NEVER delete the ID column)
7. Once your data has been updated and saved as a csv file go back into the admin.
8. Click into any menu tabs that you would like to re-import the data back into.
Please note: For optimal results please load data in the following order. Exhibitor/Sponsor, Attendees, (members, speakers, and exhibitors contacts) Sessions
9. From there click Import at the top of all these of those pages.
10 .Select your file then click Upload
11. The last thing you should do is review the data one last time just to make sure you are happy before clicking on Complete Import.
12. Finally review the import email sent to your inbox and ensure there are no others attached in csv files.
You can go to the front end and verify changes are appearing as they should.
To do this process please review this article Switching between the admin and front end
For further information, read this article on how to Import Attendee Data
Click here to watch a video on exporting data.
If you have any additional questions please contact Zerista support, alternatively you can reach out to your account manager for further assistance.