
Add and Edit Exhibitor/Sponsor Data Manually in Admin

Log in to the admin and open the Exhibitors tab.

Company Contacts

To add contacts manually to a company, click List at the top of the page then click the number under Contacts next to the desired company.

Enter the name of the attendee you would like to add to the company profile and select add. This will add that person as a direct contact for the company. 

For more information on company contacts and roles, click here.


Update an Exhibitor or Sponsor Profile

You will see a list of all the exhibitors/sponsors currently loaded into your site under Exhibitor>List. Notice there are columns that indicate details such as the company name, sponsorship type, number of contacts, booth location, etc. 


Click on the exhibitor/sponsor that you would like to edit from the list.

From here, you can change the exhibitor's name, company profile picture, description, etc., and you can add tags by selecting the check-boxes underneath the description field. You can also select type (exhibitor and/or sponsor). If Sponsor is checked, make sure to select their sponsorship level in the drop-down menu below type. Once you have finished editing the exhibitor's company profile, click save at the bottom of the page.

Exhibitors/Sponsors can also be created manually. Click Create at the top of the page and fill in the exhibitor's information. Click create at the bottom of the page when you're finished.


Once the exhibitor has been created, it will appear in the exhibitor list alphabetically.

Note that this function is best utilized if a moderator is only adding one exhibitor at a time. To add multiple exhibitors/sponsors at one time, please click here.

If you want to update the description for an exhibitor or sponsor:

  1. Scroll down until you see a large text-editor titled “Tell us about your organization”
  2. Add or update the company's description
  3. Click Save, when finished.

If you want to update the booth numbers associated with an exhibitor or sponsor:

  1. Scroll down until you see 'booth' header
  2. select your booth.  if you need to select multiple booth hold down your shift key and select those booths
  3. Click Save, when finished.





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