
Locations - Overview

There are four location types in the Zerista system:

  • Meeting locations
  • Exhibitor/Sponsor locations
  • Poster locations
  • Session locations

An list of all locations on your Zerista site can be found in the admin portal under Maps > Locations.


From this list, a moderator or admin user can view, edit, and delete locations, as well as change permissions for each location.

While Exhibitor/Sponsor, Poster, and Session locations can be pulled into the site automatically with a corresponding data integration or CSV import, Meeting locations have to be created manually.

From the Locations list, you'll notice the Capacity (only applies to events) and Meeting Capacity columns.



Capacity determines the total number of attendees that can fit into a location for events.  ie: sesison has a limit of 20 participants before it is full.

Meeting Capacity determines the number of attendee meetings that can take place at a location, simultaneously.

To edit capacity settings and more details for a location, click on it's title. Click here for further information on editing a location.

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