- Meeting ID - required only when updating meetings. Should be left blank for new meetings).
- Subject* - name/title of the meeting.
- Start Date*
- Start Time*
- End Date
- End Time - should be later than the start time.
- Description - any meeting notes can go here.
- Location
- Organizer* - only 1 value should be provided in this field, can be the name and/or email address of the organizing attendee, or the name of the organizing exhibitor. If multiple values are given, the meeting will not be loaded into the system.
- Confirmed - all confirmed attending parties. Separate multiple entries with semicolons (example: user1@gmail.com; user2@gmail.com; Exhibitor 1).
- Pending - all undecided parties. Separate multiple entries with semicolons.
Helpful hints / Things to remember:
- Please make sure you are importing a file with the extension .csv.
- After you import the file, you will receive an email shortly after the meetings have been uploaded into the system. If any meetings were not uploaded, you will receive an attachment named error_rows.csv, listing affected entries and specific errors.
- Some common reasons why meetings will be rejected are as follows:
- Not providing all the required columns (subject, start date, start time, organizer).
- Providing more than 1 organizer for a meeting.
- Providing an organizer that is not present in the conference.
- Not separating multiple values with semicolons within the confirmed and pending columns; unless separated correctly, the system will read them as a single item.
- Meeting “end date” being earlier than the “start date."
Functionality of Organizer and Confirmed columns: If a valid exhibitor name is provided in the “Organizer” column, the system will check if the exhibitor has any contacts and add the contacts to the meeting with a state of “confirmed,” provided none of the contact email addresses are already listed in the “Confirmed” column. If one of the contacts’ email address is mentioned in the “Confirmed” column, only that particular contact will be assigned to the meeting with a state of “confirmed”. The same rule applies for exhibitor names provided in the “Confirmed” column.
For example...
We have exhibitor Ex1 with contacts c1@gmail.com and c2@gmail.com. We have an attendee, a1@gmail.com, with whom the exhibitor wants to setup a meeting:
Organizer | Confirmed |
Ex1 | a1@gmail.com |
Both contacts c1@gmail.com or c2@gmail.com will also be added to the meeting with a “confirmed” state, unless one of the two was already chosen:
Organizer | Confirmed |
Ex1 | c1@gmail.com; c2@gmail.com; a1@gmail.com |
Sample files for upload may be found here: Meeting Sample
Exporting Meetings