Have people visiting your booth asked for copies of your product handouts? Maybe white papers? Do you have a great video highlighting your product that you want to share? We have made it simple to add these and many other documents to your Exhibitor Profile.
*Note: There is a 25 Mb file size limit for each collateral file.
- Go to the admin website
- Click on Exhibitors
- searching for the Exhibitor
- click into the Exhibitor
- click 'collateral'.
- Type in a Title for the collateral.
- Select one of the following options:
- Documents - File must be one of the following extensions (csv, .text, .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .ppsx, .png, .binary, .octet, .sqlite, .xls)
- Photos - Will show a thumbnail of your picture. File must be one of the following extensions (.png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif)
- Youtube - Must be a Youtube URL.
- Videos - Must be a direct link to an HTML5 video. A website containing an HTML5 video or embedded video URLs will not work.
- Links - Any website. Use this if you have a website with a video on it, or an embedded video URL.
- Audio - Must be a direct link to an MP3 file. If you have a website with an audio file on it, this will not work. Use Links instead.
- Flickr - Currently broken, use the collateral "Links' view instead
- Sonic Foundry - Must be a SonicFoundry URL.
- Enter required information (different depending on what was selected above)
- We also advise you add add a thumbnail url to make the collateral visually pop to your end users
- Click Add
From this same screen you can also edit or remove the collateral. The exhibitors can also add this to their own Exhibitor Profile. Click here to see how. The user MUST be added as an exhibitor contact first. Follow these steps to add them as a contact.
***Note: All Collateral types will open in a modal view except for links which will open in a new window.