Changing membership type will have an attendee displaying in different places in the app.
Speaker - If you make an attendee a speaker, then you can assign them to a session. They will show in the Speaker section of the app and website.
Exhibitor - If you make an attendee an exhibitor, then you can assign them as an Exhibitor contact (Sponsor contact). They will show under that Exhibitor (or Sponsor) as a contact.
Moderator - If you make an attendee a moderator, they will be able to log into the administrator functions of your website. **Note: If you are changing a moderator to a speaker or exhibitor, you must assign them as a Member first. Then change them to an exhibitor or speaker.
To change someone's membership type, follow the steps below:
- Login to admin.
- Click on the Attendees tab in the main menu on the left.
- Search for the user by their name or email address. The user’s current membership is displayed under their name.
- Tick the check-box to the left of the user's name.
- Click Change Membership above the list of attendees and select the membership type that you want to change the user to from the drop-down menu.
After the system processes your request, you'll see a confirmation that the user's membership type has changed successfully.
You can change the membership type of multiple users at once by ticking their check-boxes as seen in step 4. However, you can only select one membership type at a time, so all selected users will change to the same type that you select from the Change Membership drop-down menu.