
Minimum Requirements

If you experience any issues accessing Zerista applications or event websites, please make sure you are meeting the following requirements.

Web Browser:

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Please make sure that your browser is updated to the newest version.

Phone and Tablet Requirements:

  • Android 5.0 or newer
  • iOS 11 or greater
Apps are unavailable for Blackberry, Amazon, and Windows phones. Instead, please open the mobile website in your internet browser.
Event Wifi Requirements: (Info for Event Moderators)
  • It is recommended that the event WiFi supports roughly 1.5x the number of participants at an event; a number of participants will likely connect multiple devices.
  • Be sure to check with venue staff for their input and suggestions.


Frequently Asked Questions: (Info for Event Moderators)

  1. Are you going to be announcing attendees to download the app all at once?
    • No, there will not be a mass announcement, people will have the app downloaded and new users will be downloading throughout the course of the event.
  2. Is the app designed to work as a self-contained app? If so, what is the size of the app?
    • The app is ~13MB to download. This can vary depending on customizations made for your event (which are very rare) and your graphics sizes.
  3. Will the app be making constant request to a host site? If so, how much data (in kbps) does each request need to receive?
    • Upon install the app downloads data which is a 1MB file but is gziped for transmission and is about 100KBs.
  4. Is the app a published app, is it hosted at your company server?
    • It has to be downloaded from Apple's servers using iTunesConnect or Google's servers using GooglePlay.
  5. How long does it take to download the app on a 1Mpbs pipe?
    • 1 user
      (13*8/1) = 104 seconds
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