
Uploading Ad Banners

You may want to display ad banners on your Zerista website and mobile app.

You'll can access your ad banner controls via the admin of your website by selecting Ads in the left-hand navigation bar.

From the Ads page you can choose to create desktop and mobile ad banners, interstitial ads, sponsored post ads, and square ads.

We're using desktop ad banner as an example, but the process is the same for all ad types.

Click "Desktop Ad Banner," then click "Create".

The following page provides you with the required dimensions for the ad banner (w:1000px, h:75px). These are different for each ad type, and images that are larger or smaller than required may not work properly.

Give your banner a name and then click "+ Add" to upload your banner. If specific parts of the banner should be clickable to potentially different links, you can use the <area> HTML element in the Image Map field define those regions and where they will take the user. Otherwise leave this field blank.

Insert a Target URI if you want the ad to redirect users to another webpage. Please use the "https://" extension to ensure that links work across all devices.

Click "Save" when finished.

For the ads to show on the site, we have to set up an ad campaign that determines where and when the created ads will be displayed. Click here for an overview of Ad Campaigns.

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