
Export QR Codes - Attendee - Overview

QR codes can be printed on badges for everyone attending a conference (Exhibitors, Attendees, Speakers and Moderators). Scanning QR codes is a great way for attendees to save each other's details (like exchanging business cards) or if the exhibitors are using the leads app, they can quickly scan attendees and contact them at a later date. 

It's very easy to get the QR codes and make them ready for printing. Just go to the admin part of the site and hover over the Attendee tab on the left. 

Select 'Export QR Codes'.


After you've clicked on 'Export QR Codes', you will get a note at the top saying your QR codes are being generated. 

You will then receive an email a few minutes later in your inbox with a zip file that has a pdf of each QR code. You can shrink those QR codes to fit on badges. 

NOTE: Be sure to test the QR codes with the app scanner before printing to make sure the QR code matches the corresponding attendee. Attendee QR codes links are NOT viewable by users not authenticated in the admin.

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