
Attendee Detail Page - Overview

You can access attendee details and actions by clicking into their user record. To do so, open Attendees>List in the admin portal of your Zerista website, and click the user's name.

From the navigation bar at the top of the page, you'll be able to access submenus containing various data sets related to the user - Attendee, Profile, Account, Collateral, Permission, Schedule, and Notifications. On the left hand side, underneath the attendee's details, you'll see 4 actions you can perform - Switch to User, Reset Password, Message User, and Lock.



Below are the submenus and their function:


On the Attendee page you can see all the available details related to the user, such as their photo, email address, work, job title, and all Zerista events their account is associated with. On the right, you'll see details related to their account, such as their activation status, membership type, and login activity.


When you click into Profile, you'll be able to see and modify the user's general and contact information, tags, and links to their social networking or other websites.



On the Account page you can see and edit the user's first and last name and their email address.


From this page you'll be able to upload attendee collateral - anything from a document to a Youtube video.



From here you can view the available user permission sets, and select the set for the individual user.




This page shows you all the sessions the user has added to their schedule.




Lists all available notifications in Zerista, and you'll be able to see whether the user has opted in or out of receiving an email or a push notification or both (or none) when notifications are sent out. Moderators have the ability to change notification settings for individual users.



Below are user-related actions and their function:

Switch to User

Sometimes you might need to log in to a site as another user to troubleshoot errors, provide support, test permission settings, etc.. Moderators and Zerista admin can log in as any user without having to ask for their password.

Once you've switched to user you'll be directed to the front end of the site. You can go to the back end of the site - still as the other user - by adding /admin to the site url.

It's very important to switch back to yourself after you're done, otherwise you'll get locked out of the site and won't be able to get back in. For that, go back to the front end of the site and click the name in the upper right hand corner and select your name from the dropdown list.


Reset Password

If a user can not remember their password, you can change it for them via Reset Password (must be 6 characters or more).


Message User

You can send a message to an attendee from the back end of the site using the Message User functionality.



Our system will lock a user out of their account if they have unsuccessfully tried to log in to their account 10 times. If that's the case, the last button underneath the user's details will display 'Unlock', and upon clicking on it you will have unlocked the user's account. 


Similarly, you can choose to lock someone's account if you no longer want them to have access to their account. 



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